It is important to have a voice. Unfortunately the BCC Parents' Association operates in name only, with no meetings or membership for at least 5 years.
Without a broad and representative company membership of BCEL, the current BCEL Directors are unaccountable and you have no voice. The current Board are Directors for life and membership confined to Directors Only. We say this needs to change. The BCC Governing Body, Brindabella Christian Education Limited (BCEL) have appointed themselves as directors for life, with no broader membership, so they are unaccountable to anyone but themselves.
There are, however, ways to have your concerns heard, and many parents, staff and other stakeholders have used the following means to have a positive voice for change at BCC
Senator David Pocock
Senator Pocock has been a clear voice for change at BCC and has been representing the concerns of BCC staff and parents. See our recent media section for the questions he raised at Senate Estimates recently about what is happening at BCC. Raise your concerns directly with him, or thank him for his work in this space and encourage him to continue to champion the concerns of staff, parents and students
Email Senator Pocock: Senator.David.Pocock@aph.gov.au
ACT Education Directorate - Non-government Schools Branch (Territory)
The ACT Education Directorate is at the centre of ensuring ACT Public and Private schools meet their obligations under the Education Act. Join other parents and teachers who have raised their concerns about governance issues at BCC, to help advocate for change. If you have concerns or complaints, reach out to the Directorate's Non-Government Schools Branch directly and confidentially.
Email the ACT Eductation Directorate : ngs.concerns@act.gov.au
or call them and ask to talk to the Non-government Schools Branch: (02) 6205 5429
Department of Education - Schools Assurance (Commonwealth)
The commonwealth department of education is responsible for providing around $10,000,000 in annual funding to BCC to be used soley for the purpose of educating children, not lawyers, not buildings and not international travel by directors and executive. Brindabella Christian Education Limited is the Approved Authority to receiver this funding as the Proprietor of Brindabella Christian College. The Schools Assurance Office within the Department of Education ensures Approved Authority's use this money only for the purpose of education and that the governance and financial management of the school is fit and proper.
If you are concerned funds are being used for an improper purpose or if you have knowledge or evidence of fraud, you can get in touch with department officials safely via the options provided below.
If you have information or complaint about the conduct and decisions of the Directors and/or Executive of the school you can also safely contact the Schools Assurance Office.
Email: SchoolsAssuranceCases@education.gov.au
or via: the online anonymous reporting tool: Whispli which allows you to directly communicate with the department without disclosing your identity.
Further Information - Website: https://www.education.gov.au/schooling
ACT Work Safe
To report any concerns around the safety and welfare of staff and students on campus including physical harm or psychosocial harm (eg bullying)
Enrolment Contract or Fee related issues
Reform BCC has been set up as an Association to advocate for governance changes at BCC.
Review our website for key issues, including about Enrolment Agreements and consider joining as a member to advocate for positive change and a better future for BCC. Please note that membership is completely confidential and protected by law.
A online simple membership application form is provided below.
Adero Law can also assist - refer to the Legal page of our website.
Read our Objectives here
Add your voice and show you care about protecting a faith based schooling option for families in Canberra.
Scroll down the page to join current and former members of the BCC community in advocating for our children's education.
The publicly reported instances of unjust treatment of staff, parents and students, and the personal experiences of numerous BCC community members (dating back to 2015) including past and present: parents, teachers, staff, principals and past directors, as well as many others, has motivated us to formally associate. Collectively, we are seeking change, at governance level, through a return of responsibility for governance of the school to a broad and representative membership that includes parents.
Get Involved! Don't leave the advocacy work for your child's learning experience to the parents of other children. Parents and teachers, your voice counts and gives weight to the need for lasting change. Your identify is protected and membership indicates your affirmation of our Objectives.
If you have been impacted, directly or indirectly, by negative treatment or experiences at the hands of the BCC Board, or know someone who has been, please consider joining the Community for Constitutional Reform at Brindabella Christian College (CCR@BCC) as a member. You will be helping to bring lasting change so a renewed BCEL can deliver quality Christian education not only to our children, but also for future generations of Canberra students and ensuring secure employment for staff.
FEELING ISOLATED OR UNSAFE: If you are a current BCC parent, staff or teacher and concerned for your personal welfare, or your children's, or worried about keeping your job, please read more about how Adero can help here or make enquiry with the CCR@BCC Committee private and confidentially via email: admin@reformbcc.org
Becoming a Member:
- complete the Online Form below, OR
- download the Membership Application Form and return to email membership@reformbcc.org
Full Member - Full membership is restricted to persons with a past or present connection to Brindabella Christian College, (including their respective family members) either as parents, employees, students (over 16 yrs) or former directors.
Associate Member - Other concerned persons or parties within the broader Canberra and Christian education communities can join as an Associate Member without voting rights.
Important documents:
CCR@BCC take privacy considerations extremely seriously. The confidentiality of the CCR@BCC membership has been built into the Association’s Constitution and Rules (Clause 36). CCR@BCC has worked with Adero Law to ensure the highest level of security for its members. In accordance with Section 67A and 67B of the Associations Incorporations Act 1991, members can elect to have their personal information restricted to the CCR@BCC Committee only. This allows the Committee to refuse access to requests for your personal information held on the Member Register.
Depending on the outcome of the Review currently before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), and the extent of the Federal Education Ministers actions, the Association may advance legal pathways to pursue its Objectives of constitutional reform, in which case building a Mobilisation Fund will become a priority. Should that become the case, we will reach out to our membership and other interested persons.
We are grateful for many who have already made contributions to-date, allowing us to engage
Adero Law for legal advice and assistance in establishing the Incorporated Association and a public platform.
CCR@BCC Mobilisation Fund
BSB 082-356
Account Number 20-613-5242